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A few years ago, when I was still in campus, I had the opportunity to live by myself. It was a crazy experience, because it was my first time to live without a roommate in the wild city of Nairobi. I had nothing except a mattress, small gas cylinder, plastic utensils and hopes for a great time by myself.

Little did I know this was going to be the birth of something beautiful.

Open Space, as it turned out, was a thing before it became a thing. I had no intentions of filling up my house with things although my friends really wanted me to. You know, in Nairobi, you get into a bedsitter and you meet couches, a booming sound system, a fridge and a microwave.

I had none of those, but I loved it. I was happy!

One of my fondest memories about the time I lived by myself was the times when I'd light candles and have date nights with God. We'd sit down together and listen to some really beautiful worship music, write letters to each other, have conversations about anything and everything... we had so much fun!

Now looking back, I am in awe of how God just warmed up the house. I welcomed Him in and He made my empty bedsitter a home. He made it beautiful, until it became our little hiding place. I had moments where I would just dance around the house and He would love it! He appreciated the moments when I cried and threw tantrums. He listened to my silent prayers in the middle of the night and filled my cup when I was running low.

The empty house was now our hiding place.

It is important, I have realized, to have moments or places only God and us can go. Whether it is in your room, in your car, in the bathroom or in the kitchen. Wherever it is where you can shut the world out and focus on God. Like in the movie war room.

Find a space physically, but also, remember that you are an Open Space. Allow God to have space in your heart. Allow Him to make your heart the secret place that you two can go to, to enjoy each other's company.

The coolest part about this is that you don't have to do a lot. Just let Him in and show up. That's it. Show up for the dates. Show up for the lessons. Show up for the silent moments. That way, you will be building a relationship.

Being an Open Space also requires that you allow God access to all the rooms in your heart, for Him to clear all the things that are taking up space. The idea is to have room for Him to fill. He does the clearing.

In a previous post, I had mentioned that God had spoken to me about open doors and houses. He said,

"Your heart is like a house. People came and took it from me, and because I loved it so much, I offered to buy it back from the thieves. When I finally got it back, it had been run down and was in terrible condition. So I started doing the repairs, but I needed you to give me permission to open up the doors of the locked rooms that had been used to store the not so desirable things in the house. If you give me access to the things you are hiding, I will be able to fix everything. Your brokenness. Your pain... I'll fix it!"

I was blown away. He had earlier pointed it out that I still hide things from Him.

Don't lock Him out. He wants to come in so bad! He wants to fix everything!

I promise you. Having a secret place with God is like hanging out with your best friend. You develop this intimacy that is not like any other. It is genuine and unmatched. It is pure and innocent. It is holy and overwhelmingly beautiful!



Click here to listen to my podcast, Conversations With

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Open Space
Open Space
Jul 24, 2020

Thank you so much Adele!



Words are failing me yet again.

Beautiful work! Encouraging and edifying words! Keep writing, hearts are being drawn closer to The Father

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