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I had to sit down and think about this after God had told me about this.

As excited as was, I was scared because it meant that I had to actually experience it so that i can be able to bring it to life.

Think of it like this, you can not lead people through a door that leads to somewhere you have never been. The only way to defend your faith is if you have experienced what it is, so that people will not only be drawn to you but see the overflow of Christ in your life as well.

I was scared.

It's not easy for me to open up to people, even to God sometimes. Going through the tons of emotional debris is not exactly a fun thing because it means fighting demons to the point where I may have no more fight left in me. I remember on some days, before I knew Open Space was a thing, I would feel myself slowly slipping into a depressive state, losing myself in my thoughts because it was easier to let them win than to allow God to deal with them. And the worst part is, everyone thought i was a ray of sunshine, always happy and bubbly, until i wasn't.

I got tired.

God is awesome you guys! He brought me to a place where i was exhausted of the cycle of depression. I was tired of always thinking of myself as a lesser human being, always ugly and undeserving. I had stopped having the excitement of life and wanted to end it once and for all. But no one knew about this.

One time though, in church, as I was leading worship with a friend of mine, I felt Him saying that He wants to bring the four walls of our hearts down . He wants to tear the walls that we have built around our hearts and smoothen the calluses that were caused by people that hurt us. He wants us to be completely undone, so that we can unlearn all the religion in us and allow Him to teach us about Himself. He wants to bring us to a space that only He can fill, because what we are looking for, only He can give. The thing about this generation is that we have become so numb that we reject anything that makes us look at ourselves twice in the mirror. We want to sweep things under the rug and forget, but He wants to heal us.

"Like a farmer, I can only plant in an open space. A land that is bare, ready and willing to be worked on. I cannot plant on an occupied mind. I do the clearing and the planting. Just be available." ~GOD

I am always in awe of how God is intentional about us. Even when we don't expect it.

The purpose of Open Space is for us to make room for God. He doesn't force Himself on us. He wants us to make room for Him to come and live and change and move things around.

I am currently still learning how to let Him in. But we can learn this together. I know where you are is comfortable. but what if God is calling us out of our comfort zone to join Him in the place that He is? Wouldn't you want to sit at the feet of Jesus like Lazarus' sister? Wouldn't you want to listen to his voice while He narrates parables about the kingdom of Heaven? I know I do.

AND, Open Space isn't just a place. It is you. You are an Open Space. Your heart is an open space. your mind...your soul...

They are all waiting to be filled by God's presence.

If you're up for it, join us. We love people!

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