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WELCOME TO OPEN SPACE. (How it was born)


My name is Sharon. But my friends call me Shay.

I am a lover of black and white, flowers and music.

I like to think of myself as a creative. A writer of blogs and poetry, short stories and songs. I am also a Podcaster (host of Conversations with Shay podcast), but most importantly, a child of God.

A while ago, God gave me this incredible idea of Open Space. The context and location of this major download of ideas is quite interesting.

I was in the bathroom. going about my business, and God was like,

"Why don't you have open space then?"

I don't remember what I was thinking about, but what i know for sure s that God has a track record of saying things in the most unexpected moments.

So He explained to me this idea and I was intrigued by how meticulous He was. At some point, I was surprised that He actually could not wait to tell me all this because I FELT the excitement. At first, it was to be worship sessions, like the ones done by Maverick City Music or by Will Reagan,who are some of my favorites, to spend time with Him and invite Him to move in our lives, that we will have opened up to Him.

It made sense. I finished up with my bathroom business and went straight to the bed and wrote it down. This was on the 17th of January, 2020.

"I think this generation is full of people that have their guard up. We don't let people in or out, so we think that God is the same way. We have been hurt so many times that we cannot and we refuse to open up to Him. Open Space is an opportunity for us to allow God to break down our walls and talk to us, give us direction, change us, love on us..and do what He wants. "

His intention for us is to be open.

Open to Him and to other people.

To be open spaces for Him to work through our lives so that we can experience the change that we so deeply desire both consciously and unconsciously.

I won't give away every piece of detail yet, because it is a lot, but I just want us to get that we were not meant to be locked up in ourselves. We were made to have streams of water flowing through us,(John 7:38) and that will only happen if we are not clogged up, but open and willing.

In relation to what is happening around the world with the protests against racial and other social injustices, God wants to use us to show people His love and compassion in a dark world, just like HE did. He wants to make His people the light of the world, but that can only happen when we allow Him to break us apart and teach us, igniting the desire for change in us in our OPEN SPACES where we willfully surrender to Him and accept to be used by Him.

I hope that with this short intro, you have began to understand what Open Space is all about.

See you in the next post!


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